Large experience in foreign trade business, strategic marketing planning, exports, imports, shipping and logistics, new markets research and business opportunities, marketing plans, companies start-up, customers management in the local and international market.
Recognized expertise intermodal logistic business (port and shore terminals, trucking, railroad transport) shipping, contract negotiations, flow charts, organizational charts, strategic managing planning and systemic follow up of results obtained, watching constantly the achievement of results and targets of the teams. Company vision in the sales and marketing managing, as well as in operations and chartering, negotiations with port terminals, operators and vendors / service providers.

The future starts today! In the globalization and internationalization process, independently of the verticalization of the industry, companies operating niche markets have a very important role. Based in our experience, our vision is to consolidate the company position in those market niches trying to establish long term partnership relations with strategic partner and groups whose share our same vision.